Books about the place, journals from people who have been there, frequently asked questions about all things Shaolin, and, photos, biographies of the important Shaolin people, history, and gong fu (kung fu). It's all here, in the Shaolin Section.

Shaolin Environs Article Count:  1

Relevant and important areas around Shaolin temple

Shaolin Gong Fu Article Count:  0

Shaolin gong fu techniques, research and discussion

Shaolin Monks Article Count:  7

Well, they all don't have terribly exciting lives, but they are interesting ones. And to further expose you to the real Shaolin Temple, I'll try to give some background on some of the major players here. The language barrier makes it difficult to get biographies on these guys, and, because of generally similar backgrounds and lifestyles, it is not all that interesting to start spewing forth biographies on many of them. However, I'll try to present a few just so you get an idea of what it's like to be a Shaolin Temple monk.

Shaolin History Article Count:  19

Some historical tidbits and legends about Shaolin:

Shaolin Photos Article Count:  16

Photos of the famed Shaolin Temple itself, along with pictures of the surrounding areas.

Shaolin Journals Article Count:  18

Stories about people's journeys to Shaolin, written by those very same individuals. Embedded within are some contemporary historical tidbits about recent political happenings.

Shaolin Scholars Article Count:  24

Contributions by various experts in the field

Shaolin FAQ Article Count:  0

The Shaolin FAQ section has undergone many revisions in the past twelve years. It essentially started out as responses to emails that I had received. All of the questions listed in these sections are real; they were sent to me by people who either had visited Shaolin, or were planning to. As they became a veritable font of information, I decided to publish them.

There is a lot of information in these sections, some comical, some highly relevant for safe and efficient training journeys to Shaolin. If there are any questions that you would like to see answered, don't hesitate to contact me. There's no such thing as a bad question. There are stupid ones, but there are no bad ones. I'll answer them all.

Shaolin News Article Count:  0

Shaolin happenings. Occurrences. History in the making. All the latest news from the Shaolin world, right here.


Shaolin Schools Article Count:  1